Wednesday, March 07, 2007

YouTube Education and Video Discussion Group

I’m participating as a guest discussant in an Online Teaching and Learning course this week. One of the learners asked me about the use of video in the discussion area, and I responded that I was actually thinking about video as a content creation-tool but that a person could start a discussion by linking to a video in the opening remarks as the point of departure for the discussion.

Students can create short videos and post them to discussions as an option for addressing a topic too—the technical aspect becomes where the videos reside.

I did just learned about an educator discussion group in You Tube about the use of video in higher ed:

Group founder Steve MCCarty
is an educator who has created extensive resources (including a podcast) for EFL in Japan.

You will need to set up an account at UTube to join the discussion the group. Though it appears a number of people have joined the group, there are a limited number of discussions and some videos.

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